Solaris releases a Trinity of mClass Solar flates September 30th 2022 - Adamantine Waves coming in!!

2 years ago

It is the last day of Septembre being the 30th of 2022 and the heliosphere of our Local Solaris has become very active with a Trinity of powerful M Class flares with a
Large Sunspot Group that is Altering the Way the Whole Sun Vibrates. We had an m1.1 at 4:00 UTC on the 30th, an M 2.9 at 16:22 UTC on the 30th, and a M 1.3 at 17:34 UTC.

These Solar Flares will continue to flood Pachamama and all her children of the Sun with Higher Dimensional 5D Adamantine Particles and Packets of Codes for our DNA upgrades and downloads of GAMMA information for Crystalline Transport.

This active group of sunspots are rotating over the sun's northeastern limb and should be earth facing within the next 24 to 48 hours bringing us into a super red hot October of Transformation and activations.
We will keep you up to date as the information comes in

Be well and God Bless you all. May the Great Spirit always be at your side and surround you with the holy light…A’Ho!

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The Renewal of Adi Shakti and The Chain Breakers (Navratri -9 Nights of the Goddess ) The STRONGEST SHIFT is Upon us Right NOW!

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Rossel B.
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