Live Multiple Cam Coverage of South Carolina as Hurricane Ian Approaches in 4k with Audio

2 years ago

Join SGN for our live 24/7 multiple CCTV webcam coverage from areas in South Carolina in 4K as Hurricane Ian approaches the coast. Ian is expected to make landfall as a hurricane as of the time of this posting.

A special thanks to all of our sources for providing live web cams to the world. Please visit and patronize these businesses and show them your support and gratitude

Some cams might go down due to deteriorating weather conditions in the area and power and internet outages.

Our chat room is for all to participate but we ask that you follow our chat room rules. You can use !rules to see a list of those rules.

Any SGN stream is free to watch and chat in but we do have expenses to continue to bring you the range of coverage we do, if you wish to leave a tip to help SGN you can do so here:


- Some content is made available to use via the Florida Department of Transportation and our paid subscription to Ruptly News Content Delivery Services

- All cameras SGN use in it's live coverage are open source and in public domain and are used under the Fair Use Act for news reporting with proper credit given on screen to the camera owners to the best of our knowledge. We do not own the cams nor do we operate them. If you are the owner of any cam we are running and we have it mislabeled or you wish to have it removed, please inform one of our staff and we will rectify the situation as quickly as possible. Our cam team is however not 24 hours a day but a request will be made to them so resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

- Some cams are not nativily 4K but have been upscaled to 4k.

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