United Nations Owns Climate Science Manipulates Information

2 years ago

United Nation Director of Communications at WEF Sustainable Development Meeting admits, with a laugh how the UN has consulted Google to manipulate searches for Climate Change to show prioritized UN related information in returned search results, further stating that the United Nations "owns the science". This is straight for Orwell's 1984. The hypocrisy here cannot be understated. In the very first session of the United Nations in 1946, Resolution 59 quote,
" Freedom of information is a fundamental human right and is the touchstone of all the free­doms to which the United Nations is consecrated;

Freedom of information implies the right to gather, transmit and publish news anywhere and everywhere without letters. As such it is an
essen­tial factor in any serious effort to promote the peace and progress of the world;

Freedom of information requires as an indis­pensable element the willingness and capacity to employ its privileges without abuse. It requires as a basic discipline the moral obligation to seek the facts without prejudice and to spread knowl­edge without malicious intent."

By colluding with Google to manipulate freedom of information available to the world is contradictory to what values the UN was consecrated on. It shows that the UN has lost its way and is full of fear, fear of the world learning the truth that man made climate change is a lie. If the evidence of man made climate change was true and robust information would not have to be manipulated to make it appear true. False theories would be easily be discarded and would simply and naturally fall by the wayside.

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