Coolio (R.I.P) Gangsta's Paradise - Welcome to my Fucking World! [Aug 1, 2017]

2 years ago

Note: I Fucking grew up with this music...

As I wrote in 2017 on my FB group in the description (translated - link below):

I am politically neutral...

Let me just make it clear to everyone.

This FB group is not a platform for political activities or 'political propaganda'

- Legal certainty is without party colour.
- Legal certainty is not a political ideology.
- Legal certainty is general respect for democratically adopted laws.

I don't care what people vote for, what culture, religion, background, social status, rich or poor or what 'skin color' they have.

The purpose of this group is to help each other, people don't want to come forward in public, so send a PM to me or others, I/we will probably help to the best of my ability.

This FB group exists to inform and document the obvious illegalities that primarily take place at Jobcenter Lærkevej and throughout the country, where sick, weak and vulnerable citizens are openly deprived of their legal security.

All this while various politicians in there have sat for the last 4 years in BR (Copenhagen's citizen representation) and who will now sit for the next 4 years, as NOTHING does about it...

Just look at how Enhedslisten and Alternativet 'prioritised' after #kv2017 after months of agitation that it was bullshit.

It is bullshit that there are only some citizens who have to comply with the law, while other citizens are 'exempt' and can break it when it suits them. It must be stopped.

Systematic illegal case processing and massive breaches of good administrative practice and the Legal Security
Act and none of the municipality's employees and managers, as well as nor are those with political responsibility at the top personally liable to the law.

EVERYTHING written and posted here may be shared, copied and stolen ... even without asking permission ...

These atrocities where citizens are deprived of their legal certainty must be stopped...

Welcome to my Fucking World...

Source: Jobcenter København - Københavns Kommune
Public group - 252 following
#RIPCoolio #90shiphop #TommyBoyRecords

Tommy Boy - 2.21M subscribers
1,070,264,920 views - Aug 1, 2017

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