Frightening: Online Safety Bill would let future govts censor anything they decide is "harmful"

2 years ago

A massive danger of Online Safety Bill is it would allow future govts to censor based on what they decide is "harmful" at any given time

Anyone can see how dangerous this vague idea of "harmful" is

As David Davis MP points out: "what will be judged 'harmful' in a few years? Someone criticising the 'woke' agenda, for example?"

"You can't assume tomorrow's judgment on 'harm' will bear any relationship to what you think reasonable or unreasonable today... What's our primary strength? Freedom. What's most important of the freedoms? Freedom of speech. If we impinge on that, we'll do harm to ourselves."

He's right
This thing is a nightmare
You have no right to flush away our hard won freedoms
Scrap it

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