Look Like Jesus- Does the Tithe still have a purpose in the Church?

2 years ago

Today's Question: Does the Tithe still have a purpose in the Church?

Liked the video this morning. Was right at the edge of my cell reception in ocean. I have a question relating to tithe, which I’m glad you don’t mess with too much. A few examples came to mind while diving on the sea floor today. One was the rich kid who asked Jesus what he should do. Jesus told him give all your riches to the poor and follow me. The lady who gave her last few pennies to the temple. And Abraham who was asked to sacrifice his son. A lot to unpack here but all related. Tithing is about sacrificing things you love in an earthly way to show absolute obedience to God. The Creator of the Universe doesn’t need our money. He needs our obedience. Jesus didn’t need the wealthy man’s wealth, He asked him to be obedient to God. Abraham was asked to sacrifice what meant the most to him. His obedience was given to Jehovah and rewarded in mercy. The old woman’s tithe is another story, as a child Disciple I thought Jesus was pleased with her. But as an adult Disciple, I understand the lesson to be an indictment of the leaders of the temple. Why would these wealthy leaders take the last pennies from an old woman? Again just my thoughts from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

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