Consequences of an Untreated Myofunctional Disorder | Joy Moeller, BS, RDH

2 years ago

Consequences of an Untreated Myofunctional Disorder | Joy Moeller, BS, RDH

IAOMT Spring Conference in Sarasota, FL
March 12-13, 2021

Joy Moeller is a dental hygienist, author and formally an associate professor at Indiana University, who has worked as a myofunctional therapist for many years and currently has a private practice in Pacific Palisades, California.

Joy is founding lecturer with the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT) and a founding board member with the AAMS. Joy wrote a chapter in Sleep Medicine Clinics, a chapter in Sleep Disorders in Pediatric Dentistry, published in 2019 and a children’s book on tongue position as well as many published studies and other chapters in textbooks. She is currently on the board of the American Academy of Physiologic Medicine and Dentistry (AAPMD), a multi-disciplinary medical and dental group interested in airway problems, where she received a life-time achievement award March of 2015.

Joy has lectured world-wide and was invited to speak at Grand Rounds at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and to Stanford Sleep Residency program and in 2020 to the Pankey Institute. She currently teaches with the Palo Alto school of sleep medicine and taught for 7 years with UCLA dental sleep post-graduate program as well as an ongoing guest speaker at USC Dental Hygiene program.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this video is not intended as medical advice and should not be interpreted as such. If you seek medical advice, please consult with a health care professional. Also, the information in this video represents the thoughts of the individual speaker/s, and the views expressed in this interview do not necessarily reflect the views of the IAOMT, its individual members, its Executive Committee, its Scientific Advisory Council, its administration, its employees, contractors, sponsors, or any other IAOMT affiliates.

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