24.09.2022 NWUK & NEUK - North West Cloud Seeding and follow-up from Darlington (NE)

2 years ago

It was Brilliant to get to meet a couple of like-minded Gents while we were away.
One at Bare and one at Tebay, and both on our way home, on the 24th :)
I am terrible at remembering names and faces, sorry guys :( , but it was a pleasure to meet them both and I consider them Friends (if that's ok?) and Friends - of Humanity. Thank's guys :D

Random meeting(s) of 3 people from Darlington, Tebay and Morecambe, is a Good Sign - We are NOT alone, guys.
"There are far more of us, but we are vastly outnumbered."
But that's Life :)

Please check out the links below for more thorough information on Chemtrails and Geoengineering, before discounting the subject.

Location(s) and P1000 Time Stamps:

MORECAMBE, Bare - 0926/7, 1002/18/9/23/7/8 & 1029.
MORECAMBE, Promenade - 1042/6/7 & 1048.
HEST BANK - 1114/5/9/21/2/30/49, 1203/40, 1309/10 & 1319 ('Frequencies') - Spared you the Trains :)
TEBAY, M6 Jcn. 38 Services - 1440
DARLINGTON - 1754 (photo only) & 1820.

1) easyJet (EZY) - EZY628Z - G-EZBT / 400FE3 - Airbus A319-111 - 32,000 ft @ 1023.

2) easyJet (EZY) - EZY398Y - G-EZIY / 400CD8 - Airbus A319-111 - 38,000 ft @ 1028.

3) British Airways (BAW) - SHT8K - G-EUUI / 4009C6 - Airbus A320-232 - 31,000 ft @ 1042.
4) Ryanair (RYR) - RYR2558 - EI-EMA / 4CA849 - Boeing 737NG-8AS/W - 33,000 ft @ 1042.

5) Lufthansa (DLH) - DLH405 - D-AIFC / 3C64C3 - Airbus A340-313X - 39,000 ft @ 1047.

6) Lufthansa (DLH) - DLH454 - D-ABYI / 3C4B29 - Boeing 747-830 - 32,000 ft @ 1114.

7) Delta Air Lines (DAL) - DAL179 - N820NW / AB321C - Airbus A330-323E - 32,000 ft @ 1309.

8) "FREQUENCIES" @ 1319.

I don't often get to read comments and rarely remove any.
On BNT in particular, they remain as "Pending Review" until I see them, which may never happen.

More Info on the Subject/s covered:-
1) http://climateresponsefund.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=151:uk-house-of-commons-qthe-regulation-of-geoengineeringq&catid=38:climate-intervention-news&Itemid=63
2) https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmsctech/221/22102.htm
3) https://www.GeoengineeringWatch.org (See also "The Dimming", by Dane Wigington).
4) https://zerogeoengineering.com/ .
5) UK Sky Watch, at http://patchworkpencil.co.uk/uk-skywatch.co.uk/ .
6) "FrankenSkies" (2017), by Matt Landman.
Far too many valuable links to fit in here,


On Facebook?
Please visit/join our Public Group "Worldwide Awakening", while they allow the group to exist, and see my previous "Roo63" uploads also.
Thank you for being you and for being here. Greatly appreciated.

My links:
1) "Roo63" on BitChute ... " https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Roo63 " .
2) "Andrew Pilkington ("Roo63")" on Brand New Tube ... " https://brandnewtube.com/@Roo63 ".
3) "Worldwide Awakening ("Roo63")" on Odysee ... " https://odysee.com/@Roo63:d " .
4) "Worldwide Awakening" on Facebook ("Public" Group) ... " https://www.facebook.com/groups/629528840562364/ " .
5) "Andy_Roo63" on Telegram ... " https://t.me/Andy_Roo63 ".
6) "AndiRoo63" on Rumble ... " https://rumble.com/c/c-1400532 ".
7) "Andiroo63" on Twitter ... " @AndiRoo63 ".
8) "Roo63" on YouTube ... " https://www.youtube.com/c/Roo63/videos ". NO MORE UPLOADS PLANNED, DUE TO CENSORSHIP.

Videos are always Free to Share / Mirror etc..

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