23 Signs of MK Ultra Mind Control Programming - Satanic Ritual Abuse

2 years ago

23 Signs of MK Ultra Mind Control & Satanic Ritual Abuse

Rachel Caruso (Youtube Channel)



This information is relevant for EVERYONE because the planet's hierarchy-- The Deep State / Cabal / Illuminati / Freemasonry -- is formed by MK Ultra, then they control the world with more MK Ultra. Each of our lives, from the broad to the intimate level, is formed by this extreme mind control and slavery.

It is the fullest manifestation of Satan and his worshipers. It hides behind smiles and gloss-- remember, the amount of false light in a person is a measure of evil. We are in a time of AWAKENING, which contains many components and levels. Understanding the presence, function and consequences of MK Ultra on an individual and collective level is critical if we want real change.

Thus from my personal awakening from multigenerational MK Ultra and continuously being surrounded by programmed people, discovering it in hidden corners of society (i.e. all relocated refugees are MK Ultra slaves) as well as helping to deprogram many victims, I've compiled 25 signs of this abuse.

➡ 23 named in the video - scroll down to read 2 more.

MK Ultra is such a vast topic, I focus on signs here and only provide a brief summary of what it is. Please conduct further research on it, who the perpetrators are and why it's used.

❕❕ This information is so critical to circulate because the main component of the abuse is that the victim does not know it has happened to them! ❕❕

Helpful information of signs and symptoms has not been available before. It's been left obscured, vague and any signs provided are unreliable. In answer to this problem, this video really isolates MK Ultra to name symptoms that victims who are even fully asleep to it can spot and identify for themselves. That alone is a powerful step to starting the deprogramming process!

💗 Each of you deserves the chance to explore this topic and how it impacts you. 💗

❣ I take the time to safely guide you into this information so that it can be received in a POSITIVE way and HELP any victims listening, rather than trigger their programming. If you follow along with the video and stay heart centered, my recommendation is it's safe to explore this information. Symptoms are not listed in any order, except for the first one.

❣ If at any time you feel upset, scared or otherwise triggered, pause to feel your heartbeat and connect to the unconditional love your heart is sending you every moment. Feel the unconditional love from the Creator in your heart.

🔹 24th SIGN - You have memories from 3rd person perspective-- you see yourself in your memories from the outside.
These are memories of times you were dissociated, out of your body. Dissociation in this way only takes place because of trauma. If you have multiple 3rd person memories, it's a sign dissociation is prevalent in your life. As explained in the video, MK is based on dissociation.

🔹 25th SIGN - You feel like you're performing during sex. In other words, performance is inherent in sex for you.
This is indicative of regular sexual abuse and being exploited for sex (sex slavery). You have been groomed to behave like a sexual object, with the belief you have been made for the purpose of sexually pleasing others. This symptom can also be a memory of times you were sexually exploited-- forced to perform. As explained in the video, sexual abuse is heavily used in MK and many victims are used as sex slaves (i.e. Monarch Program)

Original link:


Note: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!


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