Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Anne Marie Del Principe - 09.30.22

2 years ago

Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series welcomed to today’s podcast, Friday, September 30, 2022, Anne Marie Del Principe. Anne Marie is the Author (along with Clarissa McNair) of the book: Imperfect Gems: A Memoir.

Anne Marie is the Mom of twin girls born with cerebral palsy. She spent 27 years being an advocate for her girls. There were 18+ operations between her twin girls as well as numerous trips to attend physical therapy 3 times per week. Anne Marie’s hope was that her girls would become independent when doctors gave Anne Marie and her husband no hope.

In my opinion, you can’t tell Anne Marie that there is no hope. Anne Marie created that hope and wouldn’t take “no hope” as an type of answer. She continued to fiercely advocate for her children and each one of her twin girls became very independent.

The testament of a Mother’s love has no boundaries and certainly there was no room for no hope. Her twin girls, Adrianna and Alessandra became quite independent, continued on with their education, and obtained security with their new careers. Life in that moment was blissful.

Then, tragedy struck during one of the girl's weddings. As a way to honor and respect the details of such tragedy, no questions were asked on what exactly transpired. (Please purchase the book to read this amazing and heartfelt journey where Anne Marie explains in great detail.)

Needless to say, when tragedy strikes, we question the “why”. Although there is no clear answer or even one that makes any type of sense, Anne Marie and her husband started a charity to raise funds for families in need of medical equipment or need any type of financial assistance (click the below website link to learn more.) Last year, the first fundraiser raised 30k!

Anne Marie and her husband Larry, are also working with the State of New Jersey on a “bill” that would raise awareness to venues catering to large parties (such as weddings, etc.) to advise their respective clients to hire a medic to attend to any on-site medical emergencies. (Anne Marie will keep me posted on when the bill is approved.)

To connect with Anne Marie further and to purchase her book, please check out her website, Amazon link, and various social media platforms:

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story will inspire others as Anne Marie’s certainly has! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Anne Marie for sharing your family’s story. Your daughters, Adrianna and Alessandra are the most beautiful “Imperfect Gems” as “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspires Us!!

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