September 30, 2022

1 year ago

Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?

What does California, Illinois, New York and all the major cities in America have in common? They have the highest homeless population and are all run by Democrats. Democrats have marketed themselves as the party for the poor. Therefore, the best way to stay in power is to create policies that create more and more poor people.

The best example is California, known as the Golden State, once gave us Ronald Reagan and was the envy of the states. Today, California has the highest concentration of homelessness and welfare of any state in the country with Democrats in full control of every major political office as well as every major city including Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Biden USAID’s Radical Gender Policy Is Exporting Cultural Colonialism

The leftist ideologues at the Biden administration’s foreign aid agency have just drafted a new policy on gender.

The U.S. Agency for International Development is supposed to use U.S. foreign assistance funds to “advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world.” Its stated goals—saving lives, reducing poverty, and helping people progress beyond the need for assistance—are noble and uncontroversial. Packaging our foreign aid in the language and ideology of radical gender theory, however, is not.

Biden ‘forcing’ people to abandon faith for ‘radical gender-identity ideology’

Suppose for a moment that President Joe Biden wakes up tomorrow morning and decides that stealing isn't wrong. Thus persuaded, he has the Federal Bureau of Investigation post on its website that stealing is now officially okay – not only legal, but henceforth required by law.

That being the case, the doors and windows of homes and businesses are to remain unlocked. Security systems are to be shut down. Law enforcement officers are not only forbidden to interfere in robberies and burglaries, but are in fact expected to take willing part in them

Remind Me! Why Was Cannabis Legalized?

Way back in 2018, there was nothing more important for our federal government to legislate than the legalization of Marijuana. Economy? Nope! Increased deaths due the fentanyl? Nope! Housing? Nope! None of these were as important as the legalization of marijuana.

The government’s own website tells us that marijuana is addictive to some people, and that it is harmful to the development of the fetus with a lifetime of damaging effects on the children, yet, that didn’t dissuade our Prime Minister.

Fertility Rates In The United States By Ethnicity

According to the CDC, the country’s rate was 16% lower than the replacement level (2.1 children per woman) in 2017. The replacement rate refers to the level needed for the population to replenish itself without immigration.

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