The Greatest Discovery Was SUPPRESSED by the FDA

2 years ago


"The Orgone Accumulator is the most important single discovery in the history of medicine, bar none." - Theodore P. Wolfe, M.D.

Wilhelm Reich was born in 1897 in Austria. He used 60 years of his life to establishing himself as a famous and influential figure in the realms of psychiatry and sexuality. Despite his amazing work both as an incredible neuropsychiatric and an author of some interesting books, he is commonly recognized for his discovery of the use of orgone energy.

The term orgone was used by Wilhelm Reich himself. It is best defined as the life energy force, which is found everywhere. Many ancient civilizations talked about this life energy force as well. The traditional Chinese culture, call this life energy Qi, and they’ve developed an ancient practice for cultivating and balancing this energy, a practice called Qi-gong. In the ancient Vedic texts from Hinduism, we can also find reference to this incredible life energy, which is called Prana and can also be utilized with the Kundalini energy.

Wilhelm Reich believed that if this form of energy could be properly optimized, it can help to heal the body functions and vitalize the human body. According to him, orgone energy can normalize the weather formation that will affect the body functions and help in the improvement of a sick person.

What’s special about Reich, is that he was working on harnessing the energy in a larger dosage to assure that its benefits can be studied and applied. Reich was determined to use the orgone energy is a large dose for the treatment of various mental issues as well. He wanted to introduce a new revolutionary healing method, which can heal any disease, including cancer. No wonder he endured such a harsh suppression.


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