54th Black Cat Bomber Squadron

1 year ago

The protagonist is now Corporal Locke of the 54th Squadron,

who fought as a crew member of a PBY Katrina seaplane.
The aircraft is armed with one .30 CAL caliber machine gun, two

.50 CAL machine guns, and one twin .30 CAL caliber and one twin 20

MM caliber cannon. First cooperate with another friendly aircraft

to destroy three Japanese transport ships, of course, the Japanese

will not easily let us win, there will be several Japanese torpedo

boats in the middle to escort, first take out the torpedo boats

and then you can take out the transport ships. After finishing the

transport ship, return to the base with friendly troops. In the

voyage back to the base, we encountered dozens of Japanese Type

Zero fighters under siege, friendly planes were also destroyed in

the fierce battle. Take out the surrounding Zeros! Then we saw the

attacking fleet of Okinawa encountered the Japanese kamikaze

suicide planes siege, many of our sailors also floating in the

sea, life is at stake, the crew decided to go into the water

directly besieged Japanese troops to fight! Eliminate as many

torpedo boats as possible to save friendly sailors. Then all-out

battle with the Japanese Zero fighters, our ammunition also ran

out, yet the Zero kept coming, just at this moment of crisis,

friendly fighters finally came and took out the enemy. We were

also able to return to base successfully, the mission is complete!

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