The arm of vengeance

2 years ago

^He was a master of jungle lore. No guide or hunter could match the skill and daring of Frank Meliss. But beneath his deadly cold exterior lay a seething mass of brute emotions. Cruelty, greed, murderous jealousy and towering pride. which ones exposed, rage with destructive fever against all they encountered. When Frank fell victim to a horrible accident, his violence knew no bounds. Everyone who crossed his path was scathed until the mad rampage could only be stopped by The arm of vengeance!

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Who saved Frank from the crocodile?, or did Nicole shoot the crocodile after waiting a while?

how come Frank missed both arms at the end, the arm stuck in the trap was the missing one replaced by the magic one. So that was the one amputated after it got stuck in the trap. Why did his good arm disappear too? It would have made more sense story wise to have his good arm be caught in the trap so that would have to be amputated and then his magic arm would disappear making him miss both arms when he was hung

Is this a story about fear of castration?

Is Frank a Chad or a virgin?

why did Nicole fall in love with a man who was an enormous dick?

Did Nicole kill Dan herself?

The police man at 10:42 actually says "aaaaarghhhrhrkk" not aww fuck

at 03:13 Frank tells Nicole to aim for the head, does he mean the head of the crocodile or Dan's head?

00:00 I will tear your rotten heart out if I don't get it
01:00 Accidents happen sometimes on hunting trips
02:00 You yellow dog, sit down before I bash your brains out!
03:00 But I was sacrificed for the fat fool of a husband
04:00 I am just a miserable cripple
05:00 I have got a healthy respect for native magic
06:00 Give this inhuman creature what he desires
07:00 They say you must have traded yours with a gorilla
08:00 I am in a jam, I was in a fight and hurt someone
09:00 When Frank flung out his arm to prevent Hugo's departure
10:00 Stay where you are before I bash your head in
11:00 Where will you go now?, hunted one,
12:00 But how in the devil does his ugly arm keep changing?
13:00 Its too late Nicole

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