2 years ago

The Satanic western world with their colonial rule have NO Authority to rule over humanity and, they forget whose Creation this is at 3rd dimension and how Creation allows choice and for one to choose their path and allows one’s action to be in play until Creation corrects and cleanses itself where accountability is applied to all actions outside the flow of Creation. - one’s responsible for one’s own choices and actions and is why there’s no debate in Creation, the Laws are and Creation is.

the aerial view of The Australian Parliament House showing The Goat of Mendes – SATAN is GOD –

Snowden reveals 5Eye's technology (COVID mRNA with Reset = Technology God to destroy creation)

all of the Lie and all of Covid19 hoax fear creation’s vengeance as given to Sodom & Gomorrah

COVID-19 does not exist - never isolated - a hoax to deceive People to destroy their immune system

Irrefutable Evidence: COVID-19 Vaccines are Killing People!

(video shows their hate for creation) Mystery Babylon - Knight Templars, Freemasonry, Kabbalah

UFOs: Demonic Deception Documentary: are demons harassing humans pretending to be alien

All agendas on Earth after the 1970 Invoking are all in defiance to creation – because - Intelligence Agencies, Military, Governments are accountable through 1970 Invoking after I, as a Navy Diver withdrew from the game after clandestine act under age when they violated the authority of signed law document - referred to as the authority of the god’s document under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution and they were already accountable for alien technology in me and on Earth as my ct-scan shows on my website along with all my affidavits of evidence I hold against them.

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