Double Standards Hypocrisy Posts - Rationalizations, Fake Caring, Occupy Democrats

2 years ago

The page and group Occupy Democrats along with other similar pages like The Other 98% and others never fail to amuse in showing what phonies they are with their pure virtue signaling and the like. Also remember that Occupy Democrats cheered on some landlord in Florida that would potentially evict tenants for refusing to get the Covid shots and of course their constant attacks on the right to bear arms and own various weapons. The cognitive dissonance, mental gymnastics and such are very real. The next time some crazy woke social justice warrior, bleeding heart neurotic, race hustling opportunist, race baiting professional victim among other guilt tripping, emotionally shaming ninnies who will try to say you lack empathy or whatever other buzzwords for doing whatever action, just keep the following in mind where they openly wish death, ill will and such on those who won't blindly agree with them and would not hesitate to throw you under the bus for even the mildest of disagreements. They don't want unity or to coexist or anything. They simply just want control, power, compliance, domination and for the masses to be docile, defenseless, subservient and at the mercy of their all powerful master despots. They simply want you dead and writhing in pain and misery. There's no reason to come together for any reason with a bunch of hypocritical, schadenfreude, death wishing, pure virtue signaling, death threat throwing, intimidation inducing freaks who know that they can't get anyone together that they have to resort to death threats, intimidation, threats of coercion, mob mentality, mob rule, mob attacks and the like to get people to go along with their obviously lackluster agenda. Conformity isn't unity, Smothering isn't caring, pure virtue signaling is certainly not caring and there's no reason to compromise on anything with a bunch of ginks that are even worse than ungrateful, bratty, snot nosed middle and high school teenagers. There's also no point in having any care for a bunch of random folks that you don't even know and who wouldn't hesitate to double cross you and throw every tactic at you in the book the minute you even slightly disagree with them and won't blindly go along with the mainstream. Especially with the overemotional, bleeding heart, verklempt, anti gun nitwits and their emotional tyrades of "you care more about your guns than children and human life" and all that other blahbity, blah blah emotional drivel. Dude, I don't even know you or any of these others, my breakfast, lunch and dinner are more important. I care more about a stack of pancakes with lots of butter and syrup. Screw these double standard inducing phonies. Keep all of this in mind whenever you have those folks with their fake compromising ways and their dove branch messages and whatever. Forget it. More and more reasons everyday to continue being defiant, uncaring and savage. Then all the people that are naive enough to fall for all the complete bilge coming from Occupy Democrats and all that which are websites so bogus that even the mainstream opinion checkers give them extremely low ratings to the point that Breitbart was given better ratings by those same checkers which is pretty sad.

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