The #1 Myth About Face Wash For Treating Acne (And What To Use That Actually Works!) | Dr. Patricia

2 years ago

Are you dealing with ACNE, or know someone who is?

If you love learning about the latest research-backed science at the intersection of ancient wisdom, then you'll love this episode!

In this LIVE episode, you’ll discover:
✅Why what you don't know about skin cleaning products that could be worsening your acne!
✅What to use as a face wash for clearer, glowing skin.

I trust you’ll get so much value out of this episode.

Please share with someone you care about who craves to know what cutting edge science has to say!

To your vibrant health,
Dr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD (Whole-Body, Mind & Spirit)
Women's Health Expert
Functional Medicine Practitioner

#skinhealth #acnefix #acnetreatment #naturalfacewash #DIYfacewash #drpatriciamills

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