Child Bride (1938) | Also known as Dust to Dust

2 years ago

Child Bride (1938)

Also known as Dust to Dust

A schoolteacher in a rural community campaigns to stop the practice of older men marrying underage girls.

Director: Harry Revier
Writer: Harry Revier (story and screenplay)
Stars: Shirley Mills, Bob Bollinger, Warner Richmond

The only film the cast and crew of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988) refused to satirize after watching. During an interview, host Michael J. Nelson revealed that the crew considered the film "disturbing."

Freddie: I'll beat you undressed, Jennie.

Jennie: Freddie, you ain't goin' swimmin' with me no more. So don't you take your clothes off.
Freddie: Aw, you're teasin'.
Jennie: No, I'm not. I mean it.
Freddie: We've always gone in swimmin' together. Why not now?
Jennie: Teacher says not to.
Freddie: Why?
Jennie: Well, because... because we're not what we used to be.
Freddie: You mean, we're different. How?
Jennie: Naw. We're the same, only you can't see me without my clothes on.
Freddie: How come? I know how you look without your clothes on. I've seen ya lots of times, haven't I?
Jennie: Yes, I know, but now we're grown up and barin'. Teacher says that I shouldn't put bad ideas into your head.
Freddie: Aw, shucks. Now I can't kiss ya no more.
Jennie: Of course you can, silly. Only with my clothes on.
Freddie: Alright, but I wish that teacher would mind her own business.
Jennie: Now don't beg.

Crazy credits
Angel Rossitto portrays diminutive moonshiner Angelo, but the credits identify him as "Don Barrett."

Featured in Sleazemania III: The Good, the Bad and the Sleazy (1986)

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