Ascension Help with this Jesus Prayer and why it works

2 years ago

Let’s break it down.
Jesus being the genius he was with a direct connection to God knew what he was doing. This prayer sums up everything we should be equalling out with God. All our heavenly ducks are put into a row with this prayer. If we are saying in consciously. Fully aware of what we are putting out there to God.

Here is why,

First, we start with “Our Father who is in Heaven, Sacred is your name.” In some versions it is “Hallowed” the point we make here is that we are clearly praying to THE God above. Not a false idol. The sacred God that is THE ALL. The God. The all powerful source of everything.

Next, we have “Your Kingdom come, your will be done. On Earth, as it is in heaven.” Here, he is saying, your kingdom is coming. Making earth like heaven. With these words, we are reaching up into heaven to bring a little more of it down to earth every time we speak these words.

And it is working. Since Jesus came on the scene things have been improving for humanity a little more every year thanks to the things Jesus has taught us.

We are in the process of making earth like heaven. Meaning the higher realms. One day the goal is for us to be merged again but this time with flesh bodies and the powers of the higher realms.

Next, we have “give us this day our daily bread.” Some translations simply put it, give us the food we need for each day. Because that is exactly what he means. prayers of greed and wanting usually just signal the the universe an energy of lack. But to signal out for our daily needs, To our abundance of life-sustaining items will gravitate around us day by days the positive elements we require. So adding this into the prayer ensures that your vibrational vortex’s are primed to meet your daily needs.

The next one is very important and a key to having a high vibrational life. “Forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us.”

We need to be willing and able to truly forgive those who have wronged us if we expect to be forgiven ourselves.

We have to have an open and loving heart for all.
Jesus is quoted saying “If you forgive others their trespasses,” This means sins “your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

So to be forgiven, you first must be forgiving.

Next, we have another very important thing to request from Source.

“Do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil.” This is very relevant in today’s society where the mainstream news advertises sins as regular lifestyle.

They claim partying as normal behaviour, that all you should do is shop, work and have fun. All things, when done a lot can be sins. Moderation in these things don’t have to be a sin. It all depends on your heart. But the point is the temptations are there to lead us down dark paths everywhere we look.

But if we ask for guidance then We can feel in our hearts if something is right or wrong, if we are keeping it open to Higher positive guidance.

We end the prayer with “For yours is the kingdom the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen” which means eternity. God is all-powerful forever.

We end the prayer similar to how it began.

To summarize this prayer will bring down the all-powerful glorious help of The universe into your life.

It will help you to be forgiven of sins, which leads to a pure heart and a happy life. Guilt is a soul eating emotion.

It will help your daily needs be provided for.
It will help keep you away from sin. Sin will darken your heart and lead to an unhappy life.
This prayer will shine down the glory of high vibrational light into your life. The more you say it, the more glorious shine you will have.
It’s customary to say it before bed, as we want to go to sleep with positive healing vibes in our hearts.

Keeping Purity in your heart is for your own good and the good of the world.

#jesus #spirituality #youtube

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