Moms For America Seminar #8 Capture the Sunshine, The Constitution & the virtue of Commitment

2 years ago

We will look at how beauty in art, music and literature will nurture the growth of liberty within the hearts of people. We discuss why expressions of gratitude and recordings of inspirational thoughts are essential to capturing the sunshine in our lives. Raising Patriots with love and light and holding true stories in our hearts, it moves us to actions and solutions. The 52 words of the Preamble of The Constitution are encouraged to be memorized and understanding that The Declaration of Independence and Constitution go hand in hand. James Madison is called the Father of the Constitution because Thomas Jefferson loaned him over 100 books to read on liberty and governments. Our Founders were committed to form a government that would last and their vision for the future was individual liberty that was given to all mankind. "Never Ever Give Up" talk by President Trump helps to Capture the Sunshine and be positive. We encourage all to vote at every election, but especially November 8th.

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