Converrsation with Laurie Frazier: The rise of the Divine Feminine on the planet

2 years ago

In this wonderful conversation with my elegant and articulate friend Laurie we explore various aspects of the rising of Divine Feminine on the planet. This conversation was inspired by the uprising of Persian women.

This is what I wrote about the rise of the Divine Feminine:

There was a so-called revolution in my country of birth Iran in 1979. I say so-called Revolution because it was nothing but a staged coup against very powerful monarch. And the Shah Iran didn't fight the so-called revolutionaries. There was one single day of regime fighting back but that was it the Ayatollahs easily won. But let's face it it wasn't the ayatollahs who won. It was their very powerful handlers the cabal. And for 44 years the people of Iran have suffered. I left my country more than 30 years ago and to be honest I had nightmares about Ayatollah for decades.

Now let's consider another Point here. What is a group of people who have been oppressed for so long right now in this planet? If you think about it the Iranian women have suffered so much the so-called Revolution. Why is that this particular group has suffered so much? Think about it usually the group of people who are most oppressed are the group that the cabal is most afraid of. Therefore we can assume that Iranian women Persian women must be incredibly powerful for the cabal to want them to be so oppressed.

Right now when you watch the videos of Persian women's Uprising in Iran you see something magical. This is no longer about wearing head covering this is about freedom of choice. And the Persian women are doing such a magnificent job conducting themselves.

Something is going on on a global level having to do with women. First the Queen Elizabeth dies which is really a big huge part of the cabal. Then Italy chooses a female prime minister who is all about God country and family and who is against the global agenda of woke leftists. And now we have the Magnificent Persian women. let's consider what makes Persian women so special. Persian women are incredibly smart they're cultured and educated and while that is truly impressive what makes Persian women so dangerous is that they have suffered and they have fought. They are geniuses in fighting oppression creatively beautifully and intelligently. I love what's happening right now on the planet is the rising of divine feminine as opposed to garbage fake feminine like Hrc. I like how Persian are true feminine as opposed to all the woke agenda of gender confusion and transhumanist transgender Global agenda.

Another thing which is incredibly important is that Persian women's movement in Iran is not only not being covered by social media and mainstream media in the West it actually is being hidden and censored by the cabal owned media.

Another incredibly remarkable thing about this is the way these women fighting in this movement. They are incredibly Savvy technologically using information Warfare extremely brilliantly. More importantly they are doing things in a decentralized manner. What that means is that every city in Iran is having uprising at the same time so ayatollahs can't fight them.

Another extremely significant thing that is happening in this is the process of devolution what that means is not everybody in the powerful class is opposing Persian women. For example Elon Musk has made starlink available to Iran. After ayatollahs disconnected Iran's internet. And the Salesforce skyscraper was showing a message praising Persian women on its top floor.

I really feel this Persian women movement is the real thing. I think it's a definite sign of the light winning. I really think the Magnificent Persian women are going to deliver to a brand new reality.

This movement is real it's not staged. It's much more like Canadian Truckers than the woke "peaceful" protests of blaq lyves madder.

If you want to be posted of what's really going on in Iran I recommend you to follow the magnificent Persian actress on Instagram. Golfarahani a nazanin boniadi. Also shohre aghdashlu.

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