Donn Christianson is Proud of His Town. Laurie McClave Dehumanizes Us. Libby Wennstrom claims that Rachael Burt staged the whole thing.

2 years ago

Laurie McClave Port Townsend, Donn Christianson, Libby Wennstrom Councilwoman Discussion regarding the YMCA, Julie Jaman Press Conference Lynching and Violent Attack on Port Townsend Elderly

They Say We were Aggressive, They say 20 of us against hundreds of them, we were the aggressors.

Donn Christianson says our pain, our suffering, our victimhood rings “hollow” for him.

These are the Cruel, Heartless, Mean, Violent, Aggressive, Monster Bullies among us in Port Townsend Washington. The TERFS are the Aggressive Party. They claim they are worried we will victimize them. They violently assaulted us, hundreds to one and that is justified, why? Well it seems that the actual victims were faking injury and staging mass shoving and assault for some mysterious agenda. It seems if elderly women want a voice in Port Townsend that Libby Wennstrom and her gang of thugs does not approve of then we deserve what we got and more.

Laurie McClave is heartless and dehumanizes us, our cries are worthless to her. We are clearly not even human to these folks. If this is ok with you, then you are ok with it happening to or about you if they do not agree with your belief for any reason. You have no human feelings, you feel no pain, you do not matter unless they say you matter.

Ben Thomas, David Faber, John Mauro, Chief Thomas Olson

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