🌎 Jennifer Granholm invested BIG in Electric School Buses — EPA Announces $5-Billion Bus conversion

2 years ago

Watch a similarly designed bus in Paris short out and catch fire.

The French bus is empty and therefore no one was injured but the potential for injury of young children in a similar ELECTRICAL FIRE is real.

It is important to consider that as Energy Secretary Granholm was being considered for the position she was involved with one of the companies slated for major contracts to convert school buses and postal vehicles.

While the move to electric vehicles in being scheduled there is no similar schedule to provide the electrification needed to support the EV rollout.

It would take about a one-megawatt plant every three weeks over the next 15 years to satisfy the needed electrical power.

It is also important to consider that the needs of glass, alunimum, and iron production has been rolled back and even curtailed in America and across Europe due to the restrictions on electric power production.

The "DE-INDUSTRIALIZATION" of the West is matched by the Chi-Com BUILD-OUT of COAL plants in China and in countries that they have gained dominant control along its Belt and Road Initiative and associate mining projects.

The Paris Accords is nothing more than a shill for the World Economic Forum and the globalists that want a One World Government.

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