Hot Trim ( The Roast Edition)

2 years ago

“Hey, a TBT to just last week.. since boys were trying to escape this smoke- no way, pal! I go even harder in the paint to clarify our hilarious dating culture predictament. This is no captain-save-a-hoe move either, hoes!.. you’re on blast, too. However, I do believe men initially trigger this cycle and women just follow our lead.
You heard me, toots! So, go think about what you want in life and the roles you play.. then maybe.. shit like politics don’t even matter. Maybe we change our whole world predicament another way.. maybe we start meaning what we do in life, starting with relationships.
Boys, you can try to ‘light and love’ it like the broads do.. to get more broads- but I see your asses, plus broads talk! They see what ya do in hindsight, too.
Jack offs.
Be the change!
Damned hookers.. all of ya, singles! Square yourself away already- Mrah!“- Ricardo DiTesta >>>> #themoistreport #MRah #girlsandboys #hottrim #comedy #roast #mensculture #single #singleculture #tindermemes #ricardoditesta #odeto #wanderingfool

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