CCRS 9-6-22 TV Show GL RT Zach Box

2 years ago


Maria Zack is a business strategist, inventor, public speaker and serial entrepreneur. Maria enjoys serving on the Board of Directors of Nations In Action, an organization devoted to spreading freedom globally. Past board positions include Georgia Public Policy Foundation, US Chamber SE Government Affairs Council, the GA Arthritis Foundation, and Team Georgia, a coalition to prevent fatalities on the road and on the water. TOPIC: What is Nations In ACTION??

Angela Box is a former actress and elementary school teacher who came to national prominence due to her politically incorrect comments about radical Islam, President Obama, and the leftist Democrats on a local cable access, late night television show. She was targeted for #cancelling (before cancelling was a thing) by the left, media, and education establishment. Angela fought back against her detractors with conviction. Since leaving teaching, Angela has been working with a political consultant who helps conservative candidates get elected in all levels of government. Angela makes several media appearances each week and she is the host of Angela’s Soap Box on Raging Elephants Radio. She also writes original content that you can read at We will talk with Angela about the Biden bombshell revelation that he’s be lying about his son’s pay to play scheme with America’s adversaries. We will also discuss the lame attempts of the Left to paint Judge Barrett as dangerous or otherwise unfit to serve on the Supreme Court and the lies they tell to get their way.

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