Batman Gotham Sword of Azrael | Nerd News Comics and Books

2 years ago

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Comic Books/Books

Batman: Gotham Knights Guilded City - Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City is written by Narcisse, illustrated by Abel and features cover art by Greg Capullo for all six issues. The first issue also features variant covers by Yanick Paquette, Christopher Mitten, Jim Lee and Scott Williams. Both the Gotham Knights game and Issue #1 go on sale on Oct. 25.

World’s Finest 7
Superman has a SIDEKICK?? Boy Thunder is apparently said sidekick and he’s from the multiverse. This arc is setting up Batman VS Robin… how does Thunder set that up? Batman/Superman: World's Finest number 7 is written by Waid, illustrated by Mora, colored by Tamra Bonvillain and lettered by Steve Wands.

Sword of Azrael
Book 2 of the mini reveals that the Knights Templar have replaced Azrael with Sariel. Now Azrael, Jean-Paul Valley has to save not only himself from the “System,” but also Brielle Arnier.

Amalgam Universe

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