The 7 year tribulation will begin after the rapture happens

2 years ago

The day of the Lord the tribulation period will begin after the rapture happens, all true believers will just be gone!! Babies and small children will just be gone, you are in a house when some of your family are just gone and you are left behind, a mother holds her baby when the baby is just gone, you are driving home when you slam into cars everywhere because drivers are just gone, you are outside playing with your kids when the kids and your wife or husband are just gone and you are left behind, you are at church when members are just gone and the rest of the church members and pastor are left behind, it will happen so very fast and no one will know what happened and panic will happen everywhere all at once, my baby where is my baby!! Planes kill everyone on board because the pilots are just gone and the plane crashes, same with a train, it will happen so very fast and all the graves of true believers will open up and they will rise to meet Jesus in the sky, then judgement begins, America will be destroyed completely and will be no more, China, North Korea, Russia, Iran will attack America all at once, they will kill anyone they see and will take prisoners of war, California, Oregon and Washington will be ripped apart by a huge earthquake and no one will escape it, they will all die , Yellowstone will erupt and is a super volcano and the sky will be black with the Ash cloud everywhere, a huge tsnsumi will hit NYC all the way to Louisiana and no one will survive it, this is God judgement of America and will crush America and all who are left behind in America will be dead, in prison camps or killed, all the churches will be destroyed and bibles to, no one will care if you went to church at all, they will not care at all, the antichrist will then come to power and say he is the Messiah and will sit in the third temple in Jerusalem, he will make a treaty with the Jews and will break it, there will be servere persercution of Jews and left behind Christians who decided to follow Jesus after they got left behind, they will be killed and will be tribulation saints, all those who got the vaccines will suffer God wrath in the 7 trumpet judgements, 7 Bowl judgements and will be cut down by Jesus sword and will suffer in the lake of fire to as judgement for worshiping the antichrist and getting his cursed vaccine mark of the beast, they shall be tormented day and night and their torment shall never end, the tribulation period is judgement for Israel for rejecting Jesus and to get them to come back to God, to get all the lukewarm phony church people and pastors to get off the fence and decide between Jesus or the antichrist, to be killed for not worshipping the antichrist or follow the antichrist and suffer God wrath, and to punish all the wicked and destroy them all, the wicked will suffer God wrath and justice and will pay for everything they have done, God will give them no mercy at all, they will suffer the most and demons will sting them and they will long to die but death will flee from them, all the wicked and self righteous church people will be at the great white throne and will be judged according to what they did alive and they all will be thrown into the lake of fire because they rejected Jesus and there is nothing God can do now, door for salvation is closed to them forever and they will get no second chance at the great white throne judgement, it is final and set in stone and God will say what have you done with My son Jesus!! You have many sins in your life and you were to busy to accept Jesus because your name is not found written you will be thrown into the lake of fire for I never knew you depart from Me!! You rejected Jesus you will see Him again as your Judge and He will not be nice at all to you

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