Οκτώβριος 2022 - Η Πνευματική Δύναμη της Εμμηνόρροιας - Santa Sangre Yoni Painting

2 years ago

“Beauty in Her Blood”
Our blood had magical properties that nourish us into life – we grow in this potion as a fetus.
We all come from the womb. We ALL are nourished by the same source.
Our blood is Sacred. Not dirty, no need to hide it, no more shame.
I encourage you to touch your blood – something very special happens when we do this.
Paint with your blood. Nourish the plants.
Taboo’s are broken. Shame dissolves.
We become reconnected, re-acquainted with our Soul’s knowledge.
This is a poem I say as I pour my menstrual blood into The Earth.
From one Mother to Another
From my body to yours
From one Womb to Creation
I give of my blood.
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Karina Alina Ardelean - Ireth
Subtle Body Anatomy Practitioner
5 Elements - Shamanic Tantra Healer
Spiritual Astrology - Sacred Tarot Counsellor
Spiritual Artist - Activist & Life Coach

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