Sick, Tired, Untreated and Abandoned: - Dr. Gil Kajiki

2 years ago

Sick, Tired, Untreated and Abandoned: rescheduled

How the Medical Community Fails Hashimoto’s Patients and

How You Can Get Your Life Back

by Dr. Gil Kajiki

Dr. Gil Kajiki, Hashimoto’s Detective, Offers New Hope and Answers

For All Those People Who Were Told Your Tests are Normal, or It’s Just Stress….

The symptoms can be different for everyone: weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, breathing difficulty, dry skin, dry hair, digestive difficulties, insomnia or hair loss.

But the doctors keep telling you your tests are normal, or they are treating you with drugs, but you aren’t getting better. Maybe they know it is thyroid, but they are giving you thyroid meds that keep having to be adjusted upward because they are not fixing the problem, only masking it.

Hashimoto’s is a disease where the immune system attacks your thyroid, but the medical community either can’t diagnose it, will tell you it’s just stress, or are treating the symptoms instead of addressing the underlying reasons your immune system is haywire!

None of this is new to Dr. Gil Kajiki, the nation’s leading expert in non-drug management for hypothyroidism, low thyroid and Hashimoto’s disease and founder of the Valley Thyroid Institute, a worldwide center. In his new book Sick, Tired, Untreated and Abandoned: How the Medical Community Fails Hashimoto’s Patients and How You Can Get Your Life Back, he cites the thousands of patients who have come to him out of desperation because the doctors ignored them, made them think they were crazy, misdiagnosed or failed to fix what was wrong. They were miserable and suffering.

But the core of the book is how personal experience transformed him from a generalist chiropractor to a Hashimoto’s or Thyroid Dysfunction Detective. His wife Kim was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr syndrome, suffering from extreme fatigue, fevers, hair loss and had bouts of malaise. She required frequent B-12 shots just to be functional. These bouts of illness continued over the next several years and new symptoms kept appearing: sweating and heart palpitations at night, digestion disturbed by abdominal bloating, gas and swelling and a 50-pound weight gain. As her health continued to decline, including trips to the hospital, her MD’s didn’t have any answers. Dr. Kajiki set out to research a solution himself and put together a variety of tests that finally pointed to Hashimoto’s Disease—and the only solution offered by Kim’s MD was lifetime thyroid hormone replacement. Knowing there had to be another way, Dr. Kajiki created the life-saving protocol that completely healed his wife. It opened the way for an entirely new focus for his practice—one that has thrived and grown dramatically, due the personalized focus on treating each person differently based on how their symptoms present.

There is no one-size fits all solution to thyroid dysfunction. Without the distinctive legion of tests that Dr. Kajiki has identified, most doctors miss the signs and are mystified at why patients aren’t getting well. To find the right protocol that pinpoints the specific root cause of a patient’s thyroid-related ailment or auto-immune problem, Dr. Kajiki created the internationally acclaimed Kajiki Protocol. He engages a wide variety of testing procedures and indicators, including 63 different tests instead of the standard 10 that MDs use, and inflammatory blood markers, immune system challenges, gastro-intestinal microbial, leaky gut testing, adrenal dysfunction, urinary hormone metabolites and more.

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