Divine Appointments

2 years ago

Life is full of opportunities. Some opportunities matter in that temporary kind of way and some truly matter in that forever kind of way. God sets us up with divine appointments with people who need encouragement and care. Jesus ministered to the masses a lot, but He also cared for “the one” and did it in such an excellent way. Compassion was constantly flowing from Jesus. In your day today, God will set you up with “the one” that one person that He wants to encourage with truth and love. Be aware how God is moving all around you, be aware of His Presence and His desire to encourage people.

God has something for us to do every single day, even if it is a kind smile to a stranger, who probably needed just that. Be aware of the people around you, don’t be so busy that you don’t even notice people at all. One person, one person put in your life path on this day, a set-up of a “Divine Appointment” by God. God knows the needs of everyone, He knows the people He has equipped for the specific person that needs a blessing of kindness, compassion, truth or caring? Be the one for the one that God sets you up with today. God is so good at setting up relationships, bringing friendship into your life, He is also good at making a Divine Appointment, connecting a person with a need with a person He has equipped to meet that need.

Be the one today for the one! We offer nothing less than all to Jesus, we give Him total access to our life, so we can be the one who meets all the Divine Appointments He has for us on this day. God bless ya. Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/v12mcq4-my-one.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/what-can-i-do/

So brothers, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him. This is the spiritual way for you to worship. Do not be shaped by this world. Instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you. And you will be able to know what is good and pleasing to God and what is perfect. Romans 12:1-2

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