The Little Mermaid – with Halle Bailey #TheLittleMermaid #HalleBailey

2 years ago

The Little Mermaid – with Halle Bailey

Before I start, it is only fair to point out that I have never seen the animated The Little Mermaid.

I also hate all these re-makes of classic films (presumably because film firms have run out of ideas for new films).

I also detest woke films and how people who tick boxes are put into films, especially when it seems strange to. Such as having black actors set in early England when very few black people would have been in England at that period of time, or indeed when they have a black English queen. It pulls you out of the belief of the film.

So am I going to moan about Halle Bailey being in The Little Mermaid?

No I am not. I think she looks correct, and has a very much a Disney look.

In other words, I am hoping they took her on, because she was the correct person, rather than ticked a box to keep lots of left wing actors and presenters happy.

But this is the problem we have today, that we have been subjected to so many rubbish woke films, that if a film comes along that the actress was taken on for being good, rather than tick boxes, people just see it as another woke mess.

It is a bit (very much) like when firms take on staff on the basis of race/sex/sexuality/disability, that they then are often seen as not very good and just taken on to tick a box. In other words they are often not respected, even if they become management.

Or a bit like when UK Labour only put up female/black/disabled MP’s in safe Labour areas. Even when they win, they are often not seen as people who won on what qualities they had, but because they ticked a box.

The result is that those people who are of a certain race/sex/sexuality/disability, who got the job on there own merits rather than because a firm wanted to fill a quota, often do not get the respect they deserve, because even though they got to where they re by themselves on there own merits, people simply presume, they got in by ticking a box.

So in this case, although I think she (I hope she was) taken on because she is the best actress and singer, because of this left wing woke nonsense of tick box forcing people into things, I suspect she is not getting the credit she deserves. And I blame this on the left wing middle class who have been insisting on box ticking employment, that to me has made things far worse for minorities.

But as I say, to me Halle Bailey looks pure Disney, and to me the right choice.



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