North East Skinny Dip 2022 (audio only)

2 years ago

North East Skinny Dip 2022 (audio only)

This is the audio recording (edited) of the North East Skinny Dip 2022.

The idea was to try to give you the idea of the atmosphere.

I was going to interview people too, but as it was 6am and I had not slept, my brain was mush and all my ideas had long gone.

The audio is not great, I will have to look at better ways to record sound. The dull bits (us just walking around where you do not hear much except us walking) have been edited out.

This may be of interest to know one, but I just like to record audio of things, and my aim is to get to the stage that you can feel your at a place by listening to the audio. As time goes on, I may buy some 3d microphone so you get the best realistic sound possible, but these seem expensive foor my tiny budget.

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