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2 years ago

物理學上的壓力,是指發生在兩個物體的接觸表面的作用力,或者是氣體對於固體和液體表面的垂直作用力,或者是液體對於固體表面的垂直作用力。 (物體間由於相互擠壓而垂直作用在物體表面上的力,叫作壓力。)例如足球對地面的力,物體對斜面的力,手對牆壁的力等。習慣上,在力學和多數工程學科中,“壓力”一詞與物理學中的壓強同義。

What is stress?
Pressure in physics refers to the force that occurs on the contact surfaces of two objects, or the vertical force of a gas on the surface of a solid and a liquid, or the vertical force of a liquid on the surface of a solid. (The force that acts vertically on the surface of an object due to mutual extrusion is called pressure.) For example, the force of a football on the ground, the force of an object on an inclined plane, and the force of a hand on a wall, etc. Traditionally, in mechanics and most engineering disciplines, the word "pressure" is synonymous with pressure in physics.
What is the definition of stress?
Pressure refers to the force that occurs on the contact surfaces of two objects, either the vertical force of a gas on the surface of a solid and a liquid, or the vertical force of a liquid on a solid surface. Pressure is produced by the extrusion and deformation of two objects in contact with each other. According to the nature of force, pressure belongs to elastic force. The international unit of pressure: "Newton", referred to as "Newton", symbol "N". In mechanics and most engineering disciplines, the word "pressure" is sometimes synonymous with pressure in physics.
Features of Stress:
1. The action direction is perpendicular to the action area and opposite to the outer normal direction of the action area.
2. When the pressure is constant, the smaller the force area is, the more significant the pressure effect is.
3. When the force area is constant, the greater the pressure, the more significant the pressure effect.
What is stress?
From a psychological point of view, stress is a cognitive and behavioral experience process composed of psychological stressors and psychological stress responses. In layman's terms, stress is the negative feelings and negative beliefs that arise when a person feels that he is unable to cope with the demands of the environment. The physical definition has objective properties and refers to the force acting vertically on the unit area of ​​the fluid or solid interface;
Psychological stress is mental stress, which is experienced by everyone in modern life. Generally speaking, psychological stress has three stress sources: society, life and competition. Too much stress can damage your health.
Stress can activate a gene that affects metabolism and facilitates the intake of sweet and greasy foods. Scientists have discovered a gene that increases our appetite for sweet and greasy foods and makes us fatter in stressful situations.
source of stress
1. Work factors that cause stress
Dissatisfaction with the job, heavy workload and high job requirements are often the main factors that cause work stress, especially when the remuneration is not proportional to the individual's contribution, the individual is more likely to feel unfair and the pressure is relatively increased.
2. Life factors that cause stress
Occasionally, major accidents (changes) in the living environment, such as death of a spouse, divorce, job change, marriage, pregnancy, etc., are all stressful factors.
3. Personal traits that cause stress
External circumstances and events do cause stress to individuals, but the same events that happen to different people may not necessarily pose the same threat. Thus, personal character determines how an individual perceives stressful events and how an individual responds to and regulates stress.

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