Regis Tremblay- Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Kevin Corbett

2 years ago

Sigh! To say this is the up hill battle is not only a very underestimated statement to say the least, but a dangerous misunderstanding of the "virus challenge!"

This (No) virus challenge is not just about exposing the imagined virus and its fraudulent so-called virology or even the whole medical/pharmaceutical industry complex but the whole system of lie, intimidation, fear based political power backed by brute-force.
Without this "lie, intimidation, fear based political power" a.k.a government, no such destructive, murdering fraud could have been implemented and imposed on the whole human kind for such long time without end in sight!

Louis Pasteur won his "fame" and became a "saint" in medicine, not because of his genius, or good medicine, but because of his very destructive fraud which was supported and protected by government power. And his fraud has been prolonged, expanded, and "canonized" into the current fraudulent allopathic medicine for centuries, not because it has saved lives or improved people's health, but because it has been being used effectively to empower the ruling class and to enrich all of the multi- industrial complex. This criminal fraud has been being supported and protected ever since by political power, namely national governments! Ironically, in the name of public health, despite volume of evidences to the contrary. As a matter of fact, thanks to this lies and fraud, the system of government has gained more absolute power over people's lives ever since. It's the government power that has directly and brutally imposed this destructive lie and murdering medical fraud on the People and to cull them and enslave them.

This (No) virus challenge indeed exposes the whole structure of the current pyramid of power, in which, not only the whole ruling class, but the whole classes of privileged groups in the multi-industrial complex, who have been benefitted tremendously from this fraud for hundreds of years have been banded together and geared up, with almost unlimited resources, to crush the tiny No-Virus Camp at all cost, while the whole fearful population that has been brainwashed and indoctrinated for generations with lies, undue pressures, and brute-force of Governments, are trembling watching in fear and confusion!

One can see this small group of brave and conscientious doctors/scientists have been swimming against the gigantic current of a centuries old criminal conspiracy. This small group of warriors has to find way to educate not only the fearful, confused ordinary people but the very cowardly, intellectually lazy medical doctors, their colleagues, whose cowardly "silence" and fraudulent practices still holds the blind trust of the ordinary people!

Thus, obviously, the task of this No-Virus Camp is epic, historic, heroic, and extremely dangerous and difficult. If not almost impossible!

Gentlemen, I have no word to express my admiration and appreciation.

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