The Warrior Tribe - United Now

2 years ago
So how deep do you want to go into this 3D to 5D Journey how much do you want to be a part of the warrior tribe that is pulling Humanity through this journey then you have to do a deep deep dive within yourself you have to do that Journey first. But where's the map for that Journey? ( a session can help)

How do we follow when we're tribeless?

When we're lacking Community. First of all find your tribe find the people that you like to follow unfortunately right now it's mostly social media. Find your tribe, whether it's a journey of eating properly, agriculture, farming, mental health, jobs, joblessness, homelessness, or government conspiracies. Whatever it might be medical choices whatever your journey is What fuels you what fires you up the people that are your influencers that you relate to and that relate to you are the ones you want to follow every day stop following those that are the exact opposite.

Stop sharing on a mass level and help support other people those that you are against because all that will do is put you in a position of negativity and you're following the wrong tribe right so follow those influencers that Support you so for instance if you're on a healthy eating Journey then follow the people that are also on an eating healthy Journey.

Every single day.

1. If you're on a mental health Journey follow that if you're on a spiritual journey follow that if you're on more of a government people humanitarian Journey or save the planet follow those people every day. Why? Because you're doing this for your neural Pathways; so that's a Joe Dispenza Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton kind of mentality. You want to keep those neural pathways alive and well, in the right direction. It's programming, you're programming yourself, just like you program a computer. So this is what you want to do.

Secondly, you want to get ‘Really Brave’ by understanding what triggers you and why does it trigger you. When I do readings with my clients, I can see immediately what their triggers are. Because there's a yin yang to everything; there's a gift to every challenge and a challenge to every gift and I can see that immediately when I'm looking at somebody, and their soul reading, their soul chart. What is triggering you and why, and where does it come from. Often it shows itself in childhood, in our childhood trauma.

So those are the two main things you want to do first of all 5d People!


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