Consumers Versus Creators

2 years ago

Consumers Versus Creators

We are at an amazing point in our world's history. Sometimes the weight of a moment becomes so huge it overwhelms one's ability to see it clearly. I sat down to watch something I remembered Monica Crowley had done with Tucker Carlson. It was about when she worked for Nixon right out of college. There is a common thread between two employers of hers Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. A Democrat congressman named Moynahan was working with Nixon who had just been voted in with the biggest landslide election ever. Both Nixon and Moynahan knew that the power structures in deep state had been corrupted and needed to be cleaned out. The problem with all power structures is that they eventually become corrupt. That is the reason that corporations get switched out in contracts from time to time. It prevents them from becoming entrenched. Power will always move to protect itself and, and it will be supported by a slew of mindless justifications. Nixon and Trump were about to root out the deep corruption and had to be stopped. Note that it was at the end of Trumps first term the real disaster happened just like Nixon’s. Trump was cheated out of office just like Nixon was forced out after an epic win. The same forces were involved in both cases. Even Hillary was there. She was part of the legal team attacking Nixon. What we and Trump faced was better entrenched by an additional forty years.

Biden used a phrase “Semi Fascist” The Guardian used a variant to describe Giorgi Meloni “Fascist adjacent”. This is right out of Animal Farm. The pigs in our ‘Animal Farm’ world are the ruling elite and with this unwarranted power they change to rules daily as they try to manipulate the masses. These language experiments are the weaker animals trying to please their masters with something that sticks when they throw it at a wall or individual. To these animals the simple question from animal farm “Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons?” will draw nothing but a blank stare. They’re intellectual slaves seeking the reward of approval. (Ribbons as signs of approval)

Changing language and meanings is one of their weapons of subversion. Carefully worded responses can provide a shield for their minions allowing them to operate with mindless impunity. Here is an example. “20 agents launched an armed assault on the home of Aurther Lipschitze.” The official statement released however says: “This is not how that is done. It would have been one or two agents knocking on the door and politely inviting him to take a road trip with them. ”
This is the upper echelon elite minion version of “Ego Te Absolvo. Or further translated: “I absolve you. Go forth bearing this shield of absolution and smash our enemies with the hammer of Cretin.”

What did she mean when she spoke of consumers versus creators? Creators add a diversity that is organic and provides a different perspective. The kind of perspective shift that can break a cycle of mass formation psychosis. It works even when a power structure creates mayhem below to aid their subversion and then adds mayhem above as is currently occurring. Rioting in the streets combined with a plandemic and an election steal followed by the potential of global war. I will add here that China has played a major role in all of it. Bill Clinton was called their man in the White House for a reason.

Consumers do not create art they do paint by numbers. They would never create the Flying pig in Pink Floyds concerts growling, “One of these days, I’ll smash all of you to pieces.” They couldn’t imagine making Dave Chappelle’s observation that a certain group, the Trans group was causing the ride towards acceptance to take a lot longer than it should. Creators build things art, music and objects. Consumers take.

Mass formation psychosis

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