Vagus Nerve Stimulation Isochronic 40Hz Anxiety Hunger Depression Weight Gain Inflammation

2 years ago

If you are somebody that struggles with never ending hunger, anxiety, stress, low energy, sleeplessness, heartburn, headaches, gut issues then this recording might be for you.

The reason we could address ALL of the issues with stimulating just ONE nerve is because VAGUS NERVE connects our brain stem to our visceral organ which regulates our parasympathetic nervous system, so practically our entire body benefits from such stimulation. Vagus Nerve has significant impact on our physical and mental health. Some of major functions are digestion, blood pressure, blood glucose balance, kidney function, bile release, breathing, fertility, release of hormones, sweating... it is definitely something to pay attention to.

-slow digestion
- anxiety
- brain fog
- fatigue
- weight gain
- heartburn
- depression
- chronic inflammation

If we do not address these symptoms we can develop much more complicated medical issues such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, obesity...


Gamma Frequencies range from 25Hz to 140Hz. Anything 35Hz and above stimulates our brain to produce beneficial response to stress, anxiety and depression... As we stimulate the Vagus nerve we enable our body to respond to problematic areas. We should do this at least one hour a day.

One of the best ways to stimulate our brain to mimic the frequencies from the sound is by using Isochronic Beats with adjusted carrier frequencies. Use of stereo headphones is optional.

Sit back and relax, let the body and mind appreciate the stimulation.

Your support is greatly appreciated

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