technology is the real cancer (literally)

2 years ago

the art to comedy is twisting and turning
ag explains comedy
people no longer have the ability to do this
what is on the screen that they're staring at
hijacks creativity that would help them see thru the bullshit
they're fave thing: go online
ya see how dumb society already is
i can only assume that steve jobs has a place in hell
introducing demonic technology
yours truly bitches about cancer patients (steve jobs)
that's not mean
bad things happen to good people, never bad people
what killed steve jobs is gonna kill everyone thru his device
heartless bitch cos i don't agree with society's demise due to convenience
actual freedom and liberty goes out the window in favor of _____
imma eat all those fucking cucumbers
feminism doesn't go into remission nor can you kill it w/ chemo
regular ass therapy guarantees feminism
there's a joke there somewhere but where?
machete mouth that chops things up
more natural at it than anyone but very afraid of it thru out most of my life
esp to true!
i am in a martin luther debacle
go back in time and talk to martin luther, tell him about Orthodoxy

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