I Saw My Lord - A Deep Sufi Poem on Divine Love & Oneness

2 years ago

I saw my Lord with the eye of my heart.
I said: who are You? He said: You.

"Where" with You has nowhere,
And there is nowhere where You are.

Illusion with You has no illusion.
Can illusion know where You are?

You are the One who gathers every “where”
to nowhere, so where are You?

In my annihilation my annihilation perished.
And in my annihilation I found You.

In the effacement of my name and the outline of my form
I asked about me so I said: You.

Mansur Al Hallaj


Mansur Al Hallaj is one of the more controversial figures of Sufism. Considered by many to be a great poet-saint, he was executed for blasphemy.

The name Hallaj means "wool carder," probably a reference to his family's traditional occupation. Hallaj was born in the province of Fars, Persia (Iran). He later moved to what is now Iraq, where he took up religious studies, particularly the Sufi way.

Orthodox religious authorities took offense at his poetry and teachings, particularly the line in one of his great poems "Ana al-Haqq," which translates as "I am the Truth" or "I am God" -- acknowledging the mystical realization of unity with the Divine. He was condemned by a council of theologians, imprisoned for nine years, and eventually put to death. He is revered today as a martyr for truth by many Sufis and mystics.


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#sufipoetry #divinelove #spiritualpoetry

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