Viewer's Discretion: Panel Debate- "Better to let 100 criminals go free..."

2 years ago

The goal is not to "win an argument" but to find truth.

I am joined by a panel consisting of @Law & Lumber @Law of Self Defense @Potentially Criminal and @Runkle Of The Bailey

This is not the type of debate you can easily find on YouTube. Four (or more) attorneys, passionately yet respectfully, argue whether a principle that served as a moral framework for the American justice system, has been misapplied to a degree that it justifies immorality.

Ben Franklin wrote "It is better to free 100 guilty than to imprison 1 innocent man".

Is this true?

Has this been overstated or misapplied?

Does this provide moral cover for a defense attorney who gets a criminal off and he later kills more people?

These questions and more are sure to arise in tonight's debate.

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