Pink Floyd 1977-01-23 Westfallenhalle, Dortmund, Germany (Audience Recording)

2 years ago

Pink Floyd
Westfallenhalle, Dortmund
23 January 1977

Primary source: 'Animals Tour Debut' (Digital Floyd) (rec 1) (audience - recorder 3 - cass[? - master ?]>DAT>CDR>[CEP]>wav>flac(l8)). Original torrent: - thanks to floyd42 for the upload.

Secondary source: 'Bugger's Eyes' (rec 3) (audience - recorder 3 - cass[? - master ?]>DAT>CDR>[CEP]>wav>flac(l8)). Original torrent: - thanks to andy_672 (RIP) for the upload.

A personal project combining these two sources to make up the complete show. I used rec 1 for the primary source because it sounded a bit more well-balanced to my ears compared to the thinner-sounding rec 3; rec 3 was used to fill the missing pieces. Aside from that, both sources were in need of a great deal of speed correction, particularly rec 1. Anyone familiar with rec 1 can no doubt recall the horrendous speed problems during 'Pigs' in particular.

Here are the details of the work done to create this:

- MAJOR speed correction on ATD throughout - was particularly bad during P3DO
- increased volume on rec 3 to better match ATD
- blended in roughly the first 50 seconds of Sheep from rec 3
- blended in roughly 20 seconds from rec 3 between Sheep and POTW1
- blended in roughly 55 seconds from rec 3 between Dogs and POTW2
- blended in roughly 20 seconds from rec 3 between POTW2 and P3DO
- blended in roughly 30 seconds from rec 3 after P3DO
- blended in roughly 30 seconds from rec 3 before SOYCD 1-5
- blended in roughly 35 seconds from rec 3 between WttM and HAC
- blended in roughly 8 seconds from rec 3 between HAC and WYWH
- blended in roughly 25 seconds from rec 3 between WYWH and SOYCD 6-9
- blended in the end of SOYCD 6-9 from rec 3 and performed major speed correction
- removed a few minutes of crowd noise from rec 3 before the encore and then blended ATD back in during the tune-up before Money

This was a very time-consuming endeavor mostly due to the speed problems, but this significant concert warranted the effort. Hope you enjoy it.

DISC 1 (55:03)
1. Sheep
2. Pigs on the Wing Pt. 1
3. Dogs
4. Pigs on the Wing Pt. 2
5. Pigs (Three Different Ones)

DISC 2 (69:10)
1. Shine on You Crazy Diamond I-V
2. Welcome to the Machine
3. Have a Cigar
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Shine on You Crazy Diamond VI-IX
6. Money
7. Us and Them

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