Women’s Weight Loss and the Importance of Strength Training with Bryce Henson of Fit Body Boot Camp

2 years ago

Women's Fitness, Weight Loss, The Importance of Strength Training, and the Obesity Pandemic

Bryce Henson is the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp. With nearly 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, he is committed to inspiring and educating audiences on how to improve their lives by improving their fitness. In today’s podcast we talk about women’s fitness and weight loss, the importance of strength training, and the obesity pandemic.

-What are some of the reasons just about half of all Americans obese?
-Why is weight loss so much more difficult for women?
-When you’re looking at training a new client, what are some unique challenges you might have with a woman vs a man?
-In your opinion, what are the best types of workouts for women and why?
-What are your thoughts on incorporating fasting or intermittent fasting when trying to reach fitness goals?
-How long should someone try a new fitness program without getting any results before they switch it up?
-What’s the best nutrition strategy?
-What’s the value of hiring a coach? What type of results can someone expect with a coach vs going it on their own?
-What are Afterburn workouts and why do they work for weight loss?
-And so much more!

Our Guest Bryce Henson
Women's Weight Loss and the Importance of Strength Training with Bryce Henson of Fit Body Boot CampBryce Henson is CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the world’s fastest-growing fitness boot camp franchise.

Having nearly 15 years of experience in the fitness industry and owning 2 Fit Body locations, Bryce’s passion is spreading fitness to the world. This is in addition

to mentoring fitness professionals on how to grow their businesses and change more lives in their local communities. He is committed to inspiring and educating audiences on how to improve their lives by improving their fitness.

Through Fit Body Boot Camp’s Worldwide Transformation Challenges, Bryce has overseen their global clients lose nearly a million pounds of weight loss. And more importantly is helping offset the obesity pandemic and provide more health and life to his following.

Bryce also co-leads Fit Body Mastermind Group, an exclusive coaching group for high performing fitness professionals.

Bryce was born in Atlanta, Georgia, grew up in Michigan and has spent most of his adult life in California. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and speaks Brazilian Portuguese fluently, having lived in Florianopolis, Brazil. He holds citizenship in the United States and Portugal. He enjoys world travel and is a fitness expert, coach, author, and inspirational leader.

Reach Bryce Henson





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