TRL 03: The attack on nicotine has nothing to do with public health

2 years ago

The government, courtesy of the Biden administration and the FDA, is coming hard for nicotine. But why? Because nicotine makes cigarettes addictive, and cigarettes are bad for you? Because that reasoning seems to check out, right?

Wrong. The government doesn't care about how addictive cigarettes and vapes are. If they did, they wouldn't be going after nicotine, because similar policies in countries like Canada have proven that reducing nicotine levels just leads to more smoking, turning to more harmful alternatives, and ultimately WORSE public health.

So what do they care about? Let's look at what's happening with ivermectin, NAC supplements and other natural supplements the FDA has similarly banned to reclaim as a pharmaceutical ingredient. 
Spoiler alert: It's about more money, not public health.

#nicotine #ivermectin #bigpharma

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