Stories That Inspire Us with Lisa Sharp - 09.28.22

2 years ago

Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today’s podcast, Wednesday, September 28, 2022, Lisa Sharp. Lisa is chronically ill and through it all, started her own business, Lisa Sharp Creative.

Lisa Sharp Creative is a digital content creation business. Her entry into entrepreneurship began in 2008 when she started blogging. (This was in the era of MySpace - and yes, I remember MySpace as well!) Lisa obviously loves being creative and in 2012 started to monetize her blogs.

We chatted about her favorite social media platform, Pinterest. She explained that with any social media platform, consistency is the key. She also shared that SEO and keywords will help you to optimize your post but cautioned that the “rules” often change. Hashtags are now mostly used on Instagram.

Her insight on entrepreneurship and sharing her personal journey of being chronically ill yet creating a business is really beyond amazing!

To connect with Lisa further, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

Are you or someone that you know chronically ill yet creative and wanting to start your own business?

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Lisa - Truly these are the Stories That Inspires Us!!

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