Men's Rights (Needed)

2 years ago

#MGTOW #MRA #Masculinity #Masculinism #Men #MensRights

I’m sure you’ve spent your life hearing an aweful lot about womens rights, and very little, if anything at all, about mens rights. Most people are surprised by the topic of mens rights, because they think that men have all the rights they could possibly need and do not think that they could possibly need anymore, that they have more than enough rights, far more than women do. But that is simply not true at all. Women actually do have more rights than men, and men are lacking in this department. This may come as a surprise to you, or maybe not. But at some point in life a man is faced with situations in which his lack of rights and the fact that women’s rights trump his becomes painfully apparent. And so we need to outline the rights that men need in this society and create awareness about these issues. First we will go over the rights that women have that men do not. And then we will outline the rights for men that are needed.


Other Resources:

Female On Male Sexism Exposed:

Complete Self Help Library:

Sex Ed For Men:

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