Anti-Male Discrimination (5 Big Ways)

2 years ago

#MGTOW #MRA #Masculinity #Masculinism #Men #WarOnMen

Discrimination Against Men (5 Big Ways)

1.) Women are exponentially more likely to get callbacks for job applications. I noticed that once feminism entered its 4th wave, anytime I would need extra work and would send out resumes I would get barely any callbacks whereas I used to get many. Apparently I am not the only man who has experienced this problem. Recently I saw a reddit post which I am linking below where a man sent out 100 resumes as a man, and a woman. They were the same except gender. The female resume got 650% more callbacks.
2.) Family Court is extremely discriminatory towards fathers and biased towards mothers, they almost always take the children away and give them to the mother, and award her child support which can never be reduced even when he loses income.
3.) The police are extremely discriminatory towards men and biased towards women and always take the womans side against the man even when he is the one who called about her harming him.
4.) In sexual assault, any woman can bring any man up on charges and ruin his life. However if a man is sexually assaulted by a woman he has no legal recourse and won’t get taken seriously if he attempts to press charges. Female sexual assault is actually legal in many places – it is not considered a crime because it is not considered possible for a woman to sexually assault a man. But when it comes to men being accused by women, the women are always believed unless the man brings definitive proof that it was consensual. In these cases the man is guilty until proven innocent (a violation of his constitutional rights). Even if he proves his innocence then he has still been put through the ringer and had serious damage done to his reputation and life.
5.) Men are perceived and treated as abusers much more than women are, even when the same behaviors are compared. Studies have shown that when people are surveyed about behaviors, the same behaviors in men and women are seen as abusive by men but not by women. I’ve linked this study below. And there have been numerous social experiments done that show that when a man and woman are arguing aggressively in public, that people will come to the womans aid when the man is just a little bit verbally aggressive, but the woman can become extremely physically aggressive and the man will be laughed at for it.


Job Application Discrimination

Male Vs. Female Behaviors Being Seen As Abusive'_Judgments_of_Psychologically_Aggressive_Actions_When_Perpetrated_by_a_Husband_Versus_a_Wife


Other Resources:

Female On Male Sexism Exposed:

Complete Self Help Library:

Sex Ed For Men:

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