Biden Tells Biggest LIE Of 2022 In Stunning Video | Bongino

2 years ago

Biden’s stark warning: The U.S. is threatened by its own citizens
Other presidents have warned of external menaces like Russia or Islamic terrorism. Biden’s speech was striking in identifying a danger within.

When American presidents reserve the prime-time hour to address the nation on grave threats facing the country, they are almost always focused on external forces — the Soviet Union, foreign terrorism, or even the coronavirus.

But when President Biden stood before Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Thursday night, he warned that American democracy stands at the precipice because of a decidedly different threat — one that, he said, comes from within the country’s borders. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” Biden said.

In a remarkable turn, the president of the United States was identifying his predecessor and his followers — a group that arguably includes millions of U.S. citizens — as the gravest threat to the stability of the 246-year American experiment. Not since the Civil War has an American president issued such a stark warning about the behavior and menace posed by fellow Americans.

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