Rolling measure distence: democrate women are vary EVIL people!!! thank God for republican women

2 years ago

A contractors rolling measuring distance device.
While I measure how far it is I talk about how VERY EVIL democrats & the democrat women are, WOW! How VARY EVIL are those democrats & the democrat women ARE!
They do NOT want to take any responsibility for there own BAD, I MEAN VARY BAD decisions! what kills me is it's NOT just conception its about staying CLEAN!
I mean WOW it's no wonder there are so many women that's democrat women that have EVERY disease out there!
They lay around spreading diseases to everyone with NOT having a simple condom in-between there legs. then if it so happens conception then they STILL claim NO responsibility for there VARY bad decision to not have protected sex, WOW! how EVIL is that! I'm only talking about ALL democrat women they are by far the dirtiest human on earth!
Then they want to Kill there little baby's so NO morals either. democrat Women are way TOO DIRTY & WAY TOO EVIL! for America!
Hey there is one simple trick to NOT spread diseases & never have to kill your conceived child. Man can NOT even duplicate conception because man can NOT create life. conception is life there is NO question there. conception is too late you already made that decision to first spread diseases to every one you come in contact with & to have a child if conception happens or you are a murderer! that is the number one thing I NEVER want in any type of partner: A filthy person or a person with NO Morales = democrat women! YUCK! a really FILTHY women is one that don't protect her self from diseases & spread diseases having UN-portected sex in the first place then don't want to accept her bad decision at a child life or any cost.
I thought there was a word for women like that, oh yeah a total Whore that's right who never did have any Morales in the first place otherwise known as a female democrat.
Women in America are WAY, WAY too pampered they do NOT belong in America! they belong in all the other communist country's. that is where ALL democrats belong though!

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