To Gaia, Love From Alpha, Delta and Omicron

2 years ago

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“Gaia” is the personification of the earth in Greek mythology, the ancestral mother of all life.

Thank you @williamshear for helping me with the edit and @mahnazdamania for helping me with a Delhi accent :)

2 quotes to shout from the rooftops:
“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

“There is no one on earth like savages, peasants, and provincials for examining their affairs from every angle; what’s more, when they move from thought to action, you can see they have worked things out completely.” - Honoré de Balzac (from “Le Cabinet des Antiques”)

Asian Drums by Kevin MacLeod

#earthjustice #systemicoppression #corporategreed #humanrights #taxtherich

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