Trump Retruths Video Montage of Q Memes

2 years ago

Trump Retruths Video Montage of Q Memes

The other night Trump retruthed a video montage of Q memes and pictures.

He’s never been this overt. This is incredible. Is he baiting fake news the enemy of the people?

It doesn’t get much clearer than this.

2 year delta. President Trump retruths the same video that Q posted exactly 2 years ago.

Not only that, but he did it 3 minutes after midnight. Almost like he was emphasizing it. “Okay guys! The date just changed to September 28th, check this out!” 😁

There are 21 Q posts dated Sep 28
The first Q post displayed is 4786 - which links us to:

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected
I really think President Trump wants us to view this video. For many of us we know his speech off by heart.

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